1. Walking in Love

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1. You are a:

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2. How was this material helpful to you regarding:

  Not Changed - Improved - Improved Significantly
Increased understanding of how the life of God within impacts one’s ability to love.
Increased understanding of covenant relationship with God.
Increased understanding of covenant relationship with others.
Increased understanding of how to use singleness as a preparation for lifelong marriage.

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3. This material was:

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4. This material was:

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Easy to Find
Easy to Use
Of High Quality

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5. How would you rate this material overall?

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6. What did you learn from this material?

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7. If you were to design training material on this topic, what would you do differently?

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8. If you would be willing to be contacted in the future to see how you’ve used this information, please provide an e-mail address:

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9. CSD would love to have one- or two-sentence testimonials about this material to use in future publicity. If you would be willing to write a testimonial, please use full, grammatically correct sentences. A signature is not necessary, but a descriptive “tag line” like, “Second year Law student and mother of two” would be ideal. Thanks!

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10. What trainings would you like CSD to offer that are not currently available?

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11. What other feedback would you like to share with the Center for Student Development?

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12. Please provide your name and email address if you need a response to this feedback:

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