Question Title

* 1. About you

Question Title

* 2. How would you describe your overall knowledge level of how to run resilient networks? Please tick 1 if low to 4 if high.

Question Title

* 3. What do networks need to learn more about? Please rank the topics listed: 1 - highly important to 12 - not as important.

Question Title

* 4. What other topics, if any, are important? Please list any other areas for consideration

Question Title

* 5. How are these topics most relevent to you? Please tick the boxes that best describes you for each topic.

  I would like to learn more about this topic to help develop my network I could lead and facilitate a roundtable discussion on this topic I could provide expertise and training in a workshop on this topic I could help encourage discussion on this topic within a group Non-applicable
Marketing techniques
Using Assurance Marks
Investment ready and fundraising
Negotiation skills
Member Acquisition
Pricing Membership
Creating an Effective Membership Package
Understanding ‘services’ and ‘serving a cause’
Mentoring - 'how to'
Apprenticeships - 'how to'

Question Title

* 6. What organisations, or individuals, would you recommend that you think could provide expertise and advice on these topics? Please list below any you'd like to recommend. Please note that they don't necessarily need to be from within the food sector.

Question Title

* 7. Based on the Cultivating Networks summary provided, do you have any comments about the project? Do you think anything else should be considered in order to effectively support the organisations that are looking to make their exisiting or emerging networks more resilient?

Question Title

* 8. Would you be interested in attending a workshop or roundtable discussion to find out how to make your network more resilient?