Feedback on hands-on sessions

I knew I would be away a number of times this semester, and I planned to have online courses for those sessions. Nakul offered to create hands-on laboratory sessions to give real practical introductions to the tools and techniques needed for crawling. I saw the first session, on WebSphinx, which he did as part of a class while I was there. I thought he did a very good job of exercising the various aspects of the tool and gave good practice opportunities. I noticed that there were several other topics that I thought would be very appropriate for a similar treatment, and Nakul was willing to prepare the materials and present them. So, except for one class, I asked him to do laboratory sessions instead of doing an on-line class.
That is the background of the sessions that Nakul did. I would like some feedback. Please answer the questions in this survey completely and honestly. It will serve as important feedback for future plans for this course.
By the way, there may be some confusion about grading. Nakul does not grade programs or anything else. Nakul did the test runs of the programs and wrote a description of the results of each test. I looked at the program code and at the test results and assigned a grade. I am giving second and third chances on the crawling assignment, because I want to see everyone succeed in that. Getting it done correctly early will certainly count more, but you will get credit for getting it done, even if it takes longer than the assigned time.

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* 1. Was it helpful to have some hands-on sessions interspersed with the regular class sessions?  Please say why it was or was not helpful.

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* 2. How useful did you find the hands-on laboratory sessions?  Please elaborate and say what was most useful and/or what was not useful.

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* 3. What suggestions would you offer to Nakul for his benefit in later teaching experiences?

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* 4. What suggestions would you offer to me, as the professor, with respect to any aspect of this class?