1. Default Section

Question Title

* 1. What is your age?

Question Title

* 2. Please fill in all fields below. We will contact you via email if you win. You will be added to our mailing list to receive exclusive promotions - and we don't spam, promise!
PRIVACY POLICY: We don't share your information with ANYONE.

Question Title

* 3. What is your skin type? (Also check sensitive if applicable)

Question Title

* 4. How did you hear about this survey? (enter website)

Question Title

* 5. Have you heard of JUARA?

Question Title

* 6. FOR BODY PRODUCTS - How important are the factors below in purchasing a product from a brand you’ve never tried?
(Scale of 1-5, Least important – Very important)

  1- Least Important 2- Not So Important 3- Some What Important 4- Important 5- Very Important
Gift with Purchase
Discounts/Special Promotions
Loyalty Reward Points
Seeing it in Magazines
Blog Review
100% Natural
Personal Recommendation of someone you know
Seeing Celebrities who use it

Question Title

* 7. FOR FACE PRODUCTS - How important are the factors below in purchasing a product from a brand you’ve never tried? (Scale of 1-5, Least important – Very important)

  1- Least Important 2- Not So Important 3- Some What Important 4- Important 5- Very Important
100% Natural
Loyalty rewards points
Blog Review
Personal Recommendation of someone you know
Seeing it in Magazines
Discounts/Special Promotions
Seeing Celebrities who use it
Gift with Purchase

Question Title

* 8. How much would you spend on a face product that would last about 3 months?

  $1-$10 $11-$20 $21-$30 $31-$40 $41 and up

Question Title

* 9. Where do you normally purchase your skincare? Rank in order of most often to least often.

  Never Least Often Sometimes Most Often
Retail stores

Question Title

* 10. We have a Facebook site (facebook.com/juara.skincare) and are on Twitter (@juaraskincare.com). Please follow us on them if you use them - REQUIRED ENTRY.