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* 1. Does your company have a Quality Control Procedure?

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* 2. If no, Why?

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* 3. If you had the opportunity to adopt a QC procedure that would create the following;
Stop Back Charges, Set agreed upon fees prior to the start and completion of services, eliminate cube count controversies on debris, force the client to assume responsibility for signing off on services prior to completing of services. Assist in having work approved so payments of services cleared faster
Would adopt said QC policy?

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* 4. Do you feel that the current QC policies in the Property Preservation favor the companies providing the QC inspectors?

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* 5. Do you know how write a QC policy

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* 6. If you were to ask for assistance with a QC policy, What is a fair fee you would consider paying for a policy written for your company?

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* 7. Have you ever considered using consultation services for your business?

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* 8. Have you considered how Policies could help your company

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* 9. Do you feel policies will cost your company to implement?

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* 10. Do you feel the Property Preservation Industry should have a QC procedure that is uniform across the board placing everyone on the same playing field?