Getting Ready: IMBD 2012

Thanks for helping us choose the best materials and designs for your IMBD 2012 events and programs. You make the program a success!

Question Title

Help us choose the best design for the IMBD 2012 tshirt by answering the questions below. Please notice that Design 1 does not include children. Design 2 does include children.

Help us choose the best design for the IMBD 2012 tshirt by answering the questions below.  Please notice that Design 1 does not include children.  Design 2 does include children.

Question Title

* 1. Choose the design combinations you like best.

  Agree Disagree
I prefer to have no text on the tshirt front.
I prefer the text placement on Design 1.
I prefer the text placement on Design 2.
I prefer the font in Design 1.
I prefer the font in Design 2.
I prefer the art in Design 1.
I prefer the art in Design 2.

Question Title

* 2. You provided us with some great ideas for the theme slogan in 2012, and we've incorporated these below. The poster will also include recognition of our 20th year. Thanks for your vote!

  1st choice 2nd choice 3rd choice 4th choice
Conserving Birds by Connecting People
Connecting People to Bird Conservation
Sharing a Passion for Birds
Celebrate Birds! ¡Celebramos a las Aves! (and in French)