To better serve the students of our schools, we would like your opinion about your child’s experience. Your time, comments, and suggestions are greatly appreciated! Russell County Schools participate in a federally funded program referred to as Title I and we operate a “Schoolwide” program. Schoolwide programs serve all children in a school. All staff, resources, and classes are part of the overall Schoolwide program. The purpose is to generate high levels of academic achievement in core subject areas for all students, especially those students most in need. This purpose is achieved through • High quality instruction • Comprehensive reform strategies and methods that are based on the use of scientifically based research • Strategies and methods to improve teacher quality and professional development • Consolidated use of funds • The Title I program is integrated closely with Response to Intervention (RTI).

The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information on how well the school communicates with parents and an overall evaluation of the program. Your feedback will be used to improve parent communication and parent involvement activities at the school and plan our program. Suggestions on how we can better help students at school and at home are welcome. Thanks in advance for giving us your input.

Please take time to complete this survey and return to your child’s teacher as soon as possible, but no later than May 16, 2013 (last day of school). If you have any questions regarding Title I, please contact Michael Ford, Assistant Superintendent at 270.343.3191 or email: or contact your child’s principal.

Question Title

* My child attends ______________________________ school.

Question Title

* My child was in grade ________ during the 2013-2014 school year.

Question Title

* My child receives Title I (RTI/Enrichment) supplemental instruction in:

Question Title

* The Title I (RTI/Enrichment) helped improve your child's skills in

Question Title

* What does your child like about the Title I (RTI/Enrichment) program? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* What does your child dislike about the Title I (RTI) program? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* In your opinion, what is the best feature of the Title I (RTI) program?

Question Title

* How did the Title I (RTI) teacher keep you informed of your child’s progress in the Title I (RTI) program? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* Which of these strategies would you use to help your child practice reading, mathematics, or both at home? (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* When would you most likely be able to attend a parent-teacher meeting at school? (The times below are approximate and would coincide with the school schedule.)

Question Title

* Please provide any additional comments, suggestions, etc. below.

Question Title

* I have been invited to attend training to help my child succeed in school.

Question Title

* I am aware when the school council holds its meetings.

Question Title

* I received a copy of the school-parent compact.

Question Title

* I was invited to attend the meeting to work on/revise the school-parent compact.

Question Title

* I am aware of Kentucky’s standards and goals for the school and how the staff is working to achieve these goals.

Question Title

* I have the opportunity to give input regarding school policies.

Question Title

* I was notified of the meeting to evaluate the school’s Parent Involvement Policy.

Question Title

* My child felt comfortable about attending this school.

Question Title

* Meetings were held at a convenient time of the day.

Question Title

* Materials sent home were easy to follow and easy to understand.

Question Title

* I was kept well informed of the activities at the school.

Question Title

* I felt comfortable and welcome in the school.

Question Title

* I felt comfortable volunteering at the school.

Question Title

* I received clear information regarding my child’s academic progress.

Question Title

* Opportunity has been provided for parents to communicate with principals and other administrative staff.

Question Title

* Which would be the best source(s) for you to receive information about your school? Please check the items that apply.

Question Title

* What help could you use that would allow you to attend parent-teacher conferences, parent meetings, and training sessions? Please check the items that apply.

Question Title

* Please provide any additional comments/suggestions.