1. IMBD 2011

Thanks for your help designing IMBD 2011. The theme will focus on introducing new participants to birds and bird conservation in wild places. Wild places may be parks, refuges, or even your own backyard. Please answer the questions below to help us determine the best theme title, bird species to include, and materials you would find most helpful.

Question Title

* 1. What IMBD 2011 theme title do you like?

  Not Good! Okay Good Excellent
Go Wild About Birds
Take Wing to your Wild Side
Go Wild With Birds
Take Flight with Birds
Discover Birds
Get Wild, Discover Birds
Go Wild, Go Birding
Join the Flock, Go Birding

Question Title

* 2. The 2011 artist is considering a design that would include some birds, but also some of the tools we use when observing birds, such as a field journal and binoculars. One of his ideas is to create an image that looks like a page from a field journal and highlights ways of describing a bird and its habitat. Share your opinion with this idea.

Question Title

* 3. The 2011 poster will have 3 - 5 bird species. We always try to include species that are relevant wherever IMBD is celebrated - Canada, the U.S., the Caribbean, Mexico, Central, and South America. In addition, we work to accommodate the needs of raptor, waterbird, and waterfowl groups. That's a lot! What species do you recommend we include?

Question Title

* 4. What materials would you like to see us develop to help you with your event or education program?

Question Title

* 5. What do you think of the event title, International Migratory Bird Day? Should we shorten this to Migratory Bird Day or even just Bird Day?