Discussion Document Survey

As described in the discussion document entitled "XBRL: Towards a Diverse Ecosystem", the XBRL International Standards Board (XSB) has identified three primary goals for evolving the XBRL technology.

In summary, these goals are:

Goal 1 To make XBRL easier for developers
Goal 2 To make XBRL information more comparable across taxonomies
Goal 3 To facilitate the consumption of XBRL information

As a means of providing feedback to the XSB, this questionnaire provides a framework within which you can help the board to assess the viability and priority of the stated goals.

Some of the questions are addressed to developers and some to users, including end users, future users and project managers. Even if you feel that your main role as a stakeholder in XBRL is not addressed by a particular question, please consider how those targeted respondents might answer in a way that would best support your role. However, you do not need to answer every question so if some really do not apply to you please feel free to skip over them if you want.

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* 1. General Questions for developers

1a. Please describe your role as a user of XBRL specifications. Please select all that apply.

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* 1b. How many years have you/your organization been developing applications using XBRL?

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* 1c. How many people in your organization work with the XBRL specifications?

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* 1d. What modules of XBRL you have used? Please select all that apply.