Imagine you are tasked with creating the BEST NEIGHBORHOOD IN THE WORLD!

Now, visualize the answers to these questions...

Who is somebody you know you could depend on to help bring together and wisely coordinate the area's resources to meet this challenge?

Who is somebody you consider to be an effective implementer? Who would roll up their sleeves with you and see this work through with you to the end?

Who is somebody that has the integrity, concern for the common good, and guts to help get this done?

Who is somebody you would ask to help connect you to the right people to see through this task?

Who is somebody that knows people from every walk of life that could help bring diversity and acceptance?

If you or somebody you know fits the description of at least 3 of these questions then you know someone who needs to be nominated for the 125 Indianapolis Neighborhood Leaders award!

Citizen's Energy in collaboration with the Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center and Peace Learning Center are celebrating Citizen's 125th anniversary as a charitable public trust by rewarding 125 up and coming leaders throughout the Greater Indianapolis area.

Those selected will have had little to no previous recognition for their community efforts. We will give these leaders their long overdue recognition through a special ceremony hosted by key local dignitaries. We will also celebrate these individuals by connecting them to development opportunities to further their leadership skills and by expanding their networks in the city.

Applications are due by May 5th at 12pm.

Awards ceremony to take place June 4th at Brookside Park from 6-9pm. Leaders will receive a plaque, t-shirt, and jacket.

Please direct any questions to Carla Sallee,

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* 1. Please provide us with the following information about the person you are nominating:

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* 2. Is this person aware of your nomination?

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* 3. Please provide us with the following information about yourself (or the person submitting the nomination):

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* 4. Please choose 3 of the following characteristics that the nominee exhibits: Integrity, Collaboration, Asset Based Community Development, Diversity, Continuous Learning, Connector:

Asset-Based/Focused (sees gifts and talents everywhere, in everyone)
Continuous Learner

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* 5. In 500 words or less, please describe how the nominee exhibits the characteristics you chose (above) and why they should be selected for this award: