1. New at Akasha's Web in 2007?

As you know, this web site is maintained on a personal level. With that in mind, real careers and other obligations get in the way of available time for updates and new content.

Looking to 2007, I would like to know what new features, if any, readers would like to see. This is in no way a promise of changes; It's a reality check for me to see what readers think would be a fresh addition. Once I review the ideas, and consider my own personal favorites, you may see some changes in the new year.

Thank you for your input.

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* 1. How long have you been a reader of Akasha's Web?

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* 2. Are you currently a member of Akasha's Web (both members and non-members are encouraged to respond)

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* 3. What new features would you like to see added to Akasha's Web in 2007? (You may select more than one but limit your answers to three)

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* 4. Please provide any other comments about the site.

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* 5. Your name (optional)

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* 6. Your email address (optional)