Please assist us in understanding your community's needs in the area of methamphetamine prevention. Your survey results will be anonymous and confidential and will help us evaluate potential strategies to support the work that you do. Thank You Very Much!

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* 1. Which most adequately describes the community in which you work?

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* 2. As a preventionist, educator, or community leader, I have the resources and expertise I need to provide methamphetamine prevention in the community in which I work

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* 3. I/my agency or organization currently utilizes the following prevention programs/curricula

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* 4. Please list programs OTHER THAN THOSE IN QUESTION 3 which you use to prevent methamphetamine use

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* 5. I believe that additional resources are needed to provide methamphetamine prevention in the community in which I work

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* 6. An initiative that would bring training resources on methamphetamine prevention to my community would be well-received

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* 7. If thoroughly trained in methamphetamine prevention practices, I would be willing to do methamphetamine prevention presentations and activities in the community in which I work

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* 8. The availability of training supplies, presentation outlines, technical assistance, and small stipends would increase my willingness/ability to provide methamphetamine prevention presentations in the community in which I work

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* 9. As a preventionist, educator, or community leader, I work with the following populations (check as many as apply)

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* 10. What areas of methamphetamine prevention do you feel are most needed in the community in which you work (check all that apply)?