Question Title

* 1. Parent/Guardian of a student in (check all that apply):

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
1. The journal/study links my child is using provides enough practice problems to learn the math concepts.
2. My child feels that he/she is being challenged by the math class this year.
3. If my child asks for help, I can usually help my child with his/her homework.
4. I have or can use information from the family newletter or student reference book to help me work with my child and his/her homework.
5. The communication with my child's math teacher is sufficient to keep me informed of my child's progress in math.

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* 3. My child has math homework most school nights.

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* 4. My child has an average amount of math homework a night during the school week:

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* 5. I can afford to provide a calculator for my child.

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* 6. My child has access to the Internet at home.

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* 7. This year I have used the following ways to communicate with my child's math teacher (check all tha apply):

Question Title

* 8. Additional comments:

Thank you for completing this survey!