1. We want your feedback

This feedback page is for our software, web site, and policies.

For feedback on Customer Service, please fill out our Customer Service Survey. For suggestions on how to make our software and policies better, tell us your ideas below!

Question Title

* 1. What product, service, or policy would you like us to change?

Question Title

* 2. What change would you like?

Please be as specific as possible. For example "I'd like the Valuation Report in Club Accounting Online to fit more than 20 members on one page" is more helpful than "Fit everything on one page."

Question Title

* 3. Why do you want this change?
Not every change can be engineered, but if we know why you want the change, we can come up with a different path to the same result. For example, if your goal is to fit more on one page and you requested that we eliminate a column, we might be able to get you the same result without losing information that other customers want to keep.