1. About This Survey

Welcome to the Kidfree Survey-

The first edition of the book "Kidfree & Lovin' It" has been released! This survey will remain open, so that statistics and quotes can continue to be collected for future books, which include: "Kidfree & Lovin' It! 2nd Edition," "Childfree & Single," and "Childfree Travel."

This survey is to be taken by adults with no children. Your answers and/or quotes may be used in any part of the Kidfree Project, including the books, website, blog, social media, childfree articles or promotional materials.

You can remain anonymous or give your name or alias at the end. Your email will never be given to an outside party. Encourage your spouse or significant other to take this survey separately. And feel free to forward the survey link to any and all of your friends who are childless, whether by choice, chance or circumstance.

Take your time, be candid, elaborate when you want, and enjoy the process!

Thank You,

Kaye Walters