Water Quality Grants Application

Thank you for your interest in the Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program's Water Quality Grant Program. Before filling out this application, please be sure you have reviewed the instructions.
If you need to take a break while you're working on this application, you may! Survey Monkey will save your responses. Just be sure you return to the survey using the same computer and web browser you started on, and that your browser accepts cookies.
This application requires that you attach a number of supporting materials. Please be sure that you have gathered the materials you will need to upload before you start the application. You are required to submit:
  • a project budget (template available here);
  • financial statements (2016 balance sheet, 2016 income statements, and 2017 & 2018 budgets); and
  • a map.
You may also submit a business plan, photos, and letters of support, if you have them. 
If you have any questions, contact Katie Michels, Viability Program Assistant: katie@vhcb.org; 828-5587. 
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