Family Preservation Satisfaction Survey

Dear VACFSS community,
The Family Preservation Satisfaction Survey is part of VACFSS's ongoing efforts in improving the quality of service to the community.
In order to deliver restorative services we ground our practice in five main values:
- Respect
- Integrity
- Humility
- Belonging
- Strength-based practice
VACFSS's ability to offer holistic services rests in receiving feedback from all members of our community. This includes you and your response to this survey. In collecting your stories and experiences through the Family Preservation Satisfaction Survey we acknowledge the initiatives that have enriched your experiences while identifying areas where improvement may be required.
1. Please complete the attached survey. Do so in your own privacy and outside any Family Preservation appointments. Completed surveys will be entered into a draw for prizes.

2. Place the completed survey in the envelope provided or online at:

3. If completing a paper survey, seal the envelope and place your signature over the back flap. At your next appointment provide your completed survey (in its envelope) to your family preservation counselor. They will not be opening this envelope.

4. You may deliver your completed survey to 745 Clark Drive, Vancouver, BC, V5L 3J3 with “Attention Quality Assurance Advisor” written on the front of the envelope.

5.Please contact Quality Assurance Advisor (contact below) if these options do not work for you.
VACFSS's Family Preservation Survey is anonymous and any identifying information will be kept confidential. This means that no clients will be singled out and no information will be provided that could identify you or your family.
This survey will be coordinated under the Human Resources and Quality Assurance (HRQA) department by Quality Assurance Advisor Alexandra Fehr. Results from this survey will be reviewed by the HRQA department and outcomes and recommendations will be shared across the agency through a Client Satisfaction Report. If you have any questions regarding this survey please contact:
Alexandra Fehr
Quality Assurance Advisor
We invite you to take the following Family Preservation Satisfaction Survey so that your story can be told. Thank you for your time and participation.