Question Title

* 1. How familiar are you with solar energy (i.e. solar panels or solar PV) and policies related to solar development?

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* 2. Which of the following benefits of solar energy (i.e. solar panels or solar PV) are most important to you? (Choose up to 3 answers.)

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* 3. What value, if any, do you think solar energy (i.e. solar panels or solar PV) brings to wildlife conservation?

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* 4. Please rank the following sources of energy in order of their negative impact on wildlife (1 = least impact, 6 = most impact). Please note that each number, 1 through 6, can only be used once. If you repeat the number, the previous answers will be erased. (e.g. If you assign the number 3 to two answers, the first 3 will disappear upon assigning it again for the second answer.)