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1. What type of bags do you use while shopping in your community?

  Never Sometimes Often All the time
Disposable Plastic Bags
Paper Bags
Reusable Bags

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2. Do you own any reusable bags?

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3. If you do get disposable plastic bags from the store, what do you do with them once you are done using them to carry items from that store?

  Never Sometimes Often  Always N/A
Throw them away
Recycle them
Reuse them in some way

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4. Do you feel it is important to reduce the use of plastics, such as plastic bags and bottles, due to their harmful impact on our environment?

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5. Would you voluntarily discontinue your use of new disposable plastic bags?

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6. Would you support or oppose a law banning disposable plastic bags and requiring stores in your community to offer paper bags (or another alternative)?

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7. What benefits might your community hope to see from reducing or eliminating the use of disposable plastic bags? (Please check all that apply)

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8. What potential drawbacks might your community see from reducing or eliminating the use of disposable plastic bags? (Please check all that apply.)

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9. What is your zip code of residence?

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10. What is your age?

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11. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?

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12. How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year?

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13. Which best describes your current occupation status? (If you are enrolled as a FULL-TIME student and employed, please select student.)

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14. What is your political affiliation? 

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15. Do you have any additional questions or comments regarding plastic bags?