Program Description and Expectations

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* 1. Purpose:
As the Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being Program grows its mindfulness meditation offerings, more and more UC Davis employees are looking for ways to keep their mindfulness practice alive in the workplace.  This is where our wonderful Mindfulness Ambassadors come in. Whether it’s posting a mindfulness quote on a bulletin board, organizing a group mindfulness walk, scheduling a silent mindful eating lunch or reserving a room where fellow employees can meditate - Mindfulness Ambassadors help to create a mindfulness friendly work environment. 

Mindfulness Ambassadors are not trained or expected to teach or facilitate mindfulness meditation sessions, but they do provide a vital service by creating supportive opportunities for their fellow employees to practice mindfulness at work. 

Characteristics of a Mindfulness Ambassador:

• Has a personal mindfulness practice
• Is enthusiastic about creating a mindfulness friendly culture at work
• Has good communication and interpersonal skills
• Is able to advocate for mindfulness based health and well-being at the department level
• Is willing to generate ideas and share resources

Roles and Responsibilities:

• Serve as liaison to Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being Program
• Market, publicize and encourage staff and faculty to participate in mindfulness-based offerings on campus
• Identify potential ideas, strategies & programs for enhancing mindfulness based wellbeing in your work environment.
• Develop mindfulness initiatives in your unit (e.g., use bulletin boards for mindfulness quotes, offer a monthly silent lunch for mindful eating, schedule a guest speaker, organize a mindful walking group, etc.)
• Ensure that coworkers are aware that mindfulness-based offerings are completely voluntary
• Share your success stories and metrics with Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being

Time Commitment:
 Service as a Mindfulness Ambassador is voluntary and done during non-work time (breaks, lunch, after hours) and will require about 30 minutes/month. Ambassadors may choose to volunteer more time for organizing special mindfulness-based wellness activities or events for their groups.

The UC Davis Staff and Faculty Health and Well-being Program offers guidance and support for this program through our Mindfulness Ambassadors Community to gather, learn about supporting mindfulness in the workplace, identify mindfulness-based resources, and share ideas.

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* 2. Please tell us about your personal mindfulness practice (how do you practice, frequency, duration, etc.):

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* 3. What interests you about the UC Davis Mindfulness Ambassador Program?

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* 4. In what ways do you see yourself creating a more mindfulness friendly culture in your department?