Legacy Lifecare (Chelsea Jewish Lifecare, JGS Lifecare, and Deutsches Altenheim) believes that communication with our families is of utmost importance for the health and well-being of your family members/our residents. We would like to ask about your recent experiences communicating with our staff and your loved ones. All responses are anonymous unless you choose to provide your name at the end of the survey. To protect confidentiality, please do not include resident information on this form. Any resident specific questions or concerns should be sent to the clinical teams or emails@legacylifecare.org.
Thank you for helping us continue to improve the care and support we provide for our residents and families.

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* 1. Your family member/resident location

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* 2. Your relation with the resident

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* 3. How long has your family member lived in one of our residences?

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* 4. Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of communication with our organization?

Communication Regarding Your Family Member's Condition

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* 5. How well does the clinical team keep you and your family informed about your family member's condition?

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* 6. How frequently do you currently hear about your family member's condition from the clinical team?

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* 7. How frequently would you like to hear about your family member's condition from the clinical team?

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* 8. Please write any comments regarding clinical communication.

Staying Connected with Your Family Member

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* 9. How satisfied are you with your ability to stay connected with your family member (via phone, video calls, in-person visits, etc)?

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* 10. How frequently do you currently connect with your family member either by video, phone call or in-person visit?

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* 11. How frequently would you like to connect with your family member either by video, phone call, or in-person visit?

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* 12. Please write any comments regarding your ability to stay connected with your family member.

General Communication with Residences

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* 13. How well do we keep you and your family informed about what is happening in your family member's residence?

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* 14. How satisfied are you with the management's responsiveness to your questions and concerns?

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* 15. What sources of information have you found most useful?

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* 16. Please write any comments regarding your general communication with us.

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* 17. Please write any additional comments or ideas for improving our communication with you.

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* 18. Please share your contact information if you would be willing for us to talk to you about your responses.