这是巴生中华总商会 (巴生中总)进行2016 上半年巴生滨海区营商状况的调查问卷。此调查的目的是反映巴生滨海区商家所面临的困境和问题。本会将集合所有意见和数据,并将有关资料呈交给有关当局,以改善巴生滨海区的营商状况。 谢谢您的支持及合作。

1.     如有问题是与您的行业不相关的,请忽略该问题。
2.      截止日期: 2016 年 7月 30 日

This is a survey conducted by the Klang Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCCI) on the business environment of Klang and Coastal Selangor for the first (1st) half of 2016. The objective of this survey is to highlight the issues that are faced by the business community. The information obtained will be presented to the relevant authorities to improve the business environment. Thank you.
1.     Please ignore the question if it is not related to your business.
2.     Closing date: 30th July 2016 
3% of survey complete.