Easter Sunday Trading Survey

Should shops in the Horowhenua District be allowed to trade on Easter Sunday?

A recent legislation change has given councils a new opportunity to determine whether to allow shops to open on Easter Sunday in all or part of their district. Shop employees have the right to refuse to work on Easter Sunday, without providing a reason to their employer. As it is not a public holiday, staff are not entitled to extra pay if they did work.

We would like to hear your views on whether or not Easter Sunday trading should be allowed in our District. Your feedback through this survey will be used to help inform Councillors about whether to draft a policy or retain the status quo.

This survey is just to test the initial views of the community. If councils decide to develop a policy to allow shops to open on Easter Sunday, there will be a formal consultation process with the community and you will be able to submit.

This survey closes midday on Monday 3 April 2017.

Question Title

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