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* 1. Name, required (first & last)

Question Title

* 2. For the next week, before sending a text, go back and reread the text and replace every use of the word I with we or our whenever possible. You'll begin to notice how often you use I when you could easily use we! In addition, take a look at some of the text you receive. How  many of these use inclusive  wording? Record your observations in the space below.

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* 3. Think of the last ten conflicts in which you've been engaged. How many of these conflicts started because someone  used an absolute to state her or his opinion? As you go through your week, mentally note every time you find yourself using words like always and never.

What trends do you see? Do you do this more often with one specific person? If so, why? What needs to happen to change the relationship?

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* 4. Imagine that you have been assigned the role of a project leader within your company. You and your team are to brain storm ideas for improving work conditions. One person on the team keeps throwing out very outlandish ideas such as, "Have an espresso machine in every office" and "Build a hair salon on-site!" Keep in mind that your company isn't Google and that you've been given instructions that no one expenditure can be greater than $500. Write out how you might redirect the conversation back to reality without  insulting the person or attacking her or his ideas.