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* 1. Name, required (first & last)

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* 2. Imagine that a coworker has written a long email to the entire depart­ment to express her unhappiness with the way people use "reply all" when responding to emails. She feels that using "reply all" to say "thank you" or "good job" is inappropriate. She has brought up this issue at team meetings in the past, but because of the culture of the office, everyone else decided that using "reply all" was acceptable.

Think about the most tactful way to address the sender of the email.

Ask yourself Should I send an email to respond? Why or why not?

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* 3. What is the most tactful way to address this situation? What should you say or write? 

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* 4. Have you ever given or heard  given "brutally  honest" feedback?  If so, what happened and  how  might  the feedback  have  been  restated in a more tactful way?

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* 5. Has anyone ever given you unhelpful or overly critical feedback? If
so, how did you respond?

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* 6. A new coworker wants to organize a "Secret Santa" exchange for your department. This issue has come up before, and the team decided that the exchange wasn't a good fit for the culture of your small depart­ment. You don't want to make this coworker feel that her ideas aren't appreciated, but you want to be honest that it's not going to happen. What could you say?