West Music would like to know how sustainability and eco-conscious choices impact the purchasing decisions you make for yourself or your classroom.  Take a moment to fill out the survey below to help us find the right products for you.  In appreciation of taking the time to fill out the survey, Sonor is sponsoring a giveaway for one lucky winner of a bundle of 3 Sonor Primary Xylophones (1 soprano and 2 alto xylophones).  No purchase is necessary.  Complete the survey and provide contact information and you will be registered for a chance to win.

Question Title

* 1. Of the following symbols, rate your familiarity.  (Very familiar, somewhat familiar, not familiar)

  Very familiar Somewhat familiar Not familiar
FSC Certified
Rainforest Alliance
1% For The Planet

Question Title

* 2. For those which you are familiar, which do you feel has the greatest impact for the environment?  (Rate the greatest impact as 1 and the least as 5, or N/A for Not Applicable)

  1 = Greatest Impact 2 3 4 5 = Least Impact Not Sure
Rainforest Alliance
FSC Certified
1% For The Planet

Question Title

* 3. How important are environmental certifications to your purchase decisions?

Question Title

* 4. Have you ever purchased school equipment or materials based on eco-friendly certification?

Question Title

* 5. When purchasing products for your classroom, are you willing to spend more for eco-friendly products?

Question Title

* 6. When evaluating different brands of Orff instruments, which brands are on your evaluation list?

Question Title

* 7. How soon are you looking at making a purchase of Orff instruments?

Question Title

* 8. To be entered into the giveaway, please enter your contact information below

Question Title

* 9. May we contact you to discuss Orff options for your classroom?