Destination West Coast

Tourism was identified as a key focus area in the development of the West Coast Community Plan 2025. To set strong foundations, West Coast Council is partnering with the tourism industry to progress the industry to attract more visitors, boosting our local economy. We want your opinion and views on the best way we can work together to achieve this goal.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

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* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Name of Business

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* 3. Address

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* 4. Phone

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* 5. Email

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* 6. What type of tourism business are you primarily?

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* 7. Do you belong to any tourism industry groups?

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* 8. Are you aware that there is a tourism organisation for the West Coast?

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* 9. If YES are you a member?

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* 10. If you are aware but not a member, please list reasons why

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* 11. What are services that you need from a tourism group or organisation?

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* 12. If you were to join a Tourism Group what would be the best location, time and day for you to meet? (Eg Monday, 8am, Strahan)

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* 13. In your opinion what is holding the West Coast tourism industry back as it currently stands?

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* 14. What is the best method for you to receive information?

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* 15. Do you have any further comments regarding growing tourism on the West Coast?