Introduction & Purpose of Survey

On behalf of the South Dakota Developmental Disabilities Network, we are writing to check in with you and ask for your help in learning how individuals with disabilities and their families in the State of South Dakota are doing during this unprecedented COVID-19 (corona virus) global crisis.

This online anonymous survey has been created to help us learn more about the needs and support individuals with disabilities and their families may have. If you are an individual with a disability, or a parent/guardian, family member or caregiver of a child or adult with a disability, and live in South Dakota, please help us by completing the SD COVID-19 Impact Survey. If you received this survey and are not a person with a disability, parent, guardian or a family member of a person with a disability, please help us by forwarding it to others in your network by sharing via email, social media, or any other means.

Completion of the survey is voluntary and all responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Some of the questions require a response.  If you wish you may stop the survey at any time for any reason.  Just close the survey before going to the end and the information you entered will not be included.

To complete this survey, please click on or copy and paste the following link into your browser: We would very much appreciate if you would complete this survey by June 5, 2020. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete the SD COVID-19 Impact Survey and provide this much needed and important feedback!

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact John Johnson, Ph.D. at

South Dakota DD Network

Eric G. Kurtz, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Center for Disabilities
Sanford School of Medicine
University of South Dakota

Tim Neyhart
Executive Director
Disability Rights

Arlene Poncelet
Executive Director
SD South Dakota Council on Developmental Disabilities