Please fill out the following survey to provide us additional information on what was presented at the December TAC meeting.

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* 1. Please provide your name

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* 2. Have you noticed any effects of subsidence in your area?

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* 3. Should the GSP consider damages to private infrastructure (in addition to public infrastructure) when developing the undesirable results?

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* 4. Do you have an opinion on how much additional subsidence is too much?

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* 5. How much additional subsidence is too much?

0 Additional inches of subsidence 36
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Of the subsidence monitoring options presented at the TAC meeting, which option(s) do your prefer?

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* 7. Based on what was presented at the TAC meeting, is there additional information (e.g. reports or data products) you would like to see considered to evaluate subsidence in Sierra Valley?

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* 8. Comments for improving this process?