
The Steering Committee for the Revision of the Elementary (K-6) Teacher Standards thanks you for participating in the public comment on its draft standards. The Committee completed the first draft in July 2015 and submitted it to CAEP’s State Partnership and Content Areas Committee in August, 2015 for initial review and feedback. The Committee is also seeking feedback from stakeholders and experts in the field of elementary education through this survey to improve the standards before they are presented for final approval and adoption in fall of 2016.

The revised standards will eventually replace the current 2007 ACEI Standards for the national recognition of elementary teacher preparation programs. Until the new standards are released programs will continue to use the ACEI 2007 standards to submit elementary program reports through CAEP’s Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS). There will be a two-year, four-cycle transition period following the adoption of the revised standards.

In the following review you are asked to respond to each of the five standards individually. Please indicate the appropriate rating for each question and make comments in the space provided at the end of each section. Be as specific as possible in your feedback. Include line numbers when possible to assist the committee in processing your suggestion(s). Please keep your comments specific to this standard and explain below if you have rated any question either 1 or 2.

Keeping in mind the holistic nature of the standards, we encourage you to read the entire document before evaluating each individual standard. You can view and print the standards document on the CAEP website.

If time is a constraint, you can pick and choose individual standards to comment on, however we encourage you to read and comment on the entire document. Your feedback is invaluable to the committee.

Once you begin the review, you may stop and return to it at a later time from the same computer. However, the site only retains entire pages of information. Once you have answered some questions on a page, you must complete the page and select NEXT for the information to be saved.

Responses will be accepted through midnight ET on January 15, 2016. If you experience any difficulty please contact Banhi Bhattacharya.

Please select NEXT to move to the Background Information portion of the survey. Thank you.