
The Don’t Move Firewood website is being rebuilt in 2016 to better respond to the increasing prevalence of smartphones, tablets, diverse web browsers, and social media connectivity. The technology it is was built upon (back in 2008) is increasingly becoming obsolete and not flexible enough for the more modern web. To best serve the needs of Don’t Move Firewood’s enormously diverse group of users, we’ve created this survey to understand what we should keep, remove, or improve as we build the new site. Thank you for helping us be the best we can be! This survey is about the core website,, only. This is not asking questions about the facebook account, twitter account, newsletter, webinars, or educational materials program.

Please take a minute or two to briefly refresh your memory on the current website: You may wish to leave a browser window open to the site while you complete this survey- however, this survey does not require you to research or hunt through the site. We are more interested in your overall opinions and experiences- not the minutiae. Thanks!