Bounce Back at Manly West

Thank you for attending one of the parent information sessions about the Bounce Back program at Manly West. It is wonderful that these sessions have generated so much interest from our parent community.

In the future we would like to offer further sessions as we roll out the program and would appreciate feedback on how we can cater future workshops to help you support your children and work in partnership.

In the presentation we discussed resilience and mental helath. We looked at the evidence that the Bounce Back program is based on.

We would appreciate your feedback and appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey.

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* 1. How helpful was the 'Helping Children Bounce Back' information session?

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* 2. Did the presentation answer your questions about resilience and the Bounce Back program?

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* 3. Due to the numbers at the information session we were unable to facilitate practical activities. Would you be interested in participating in practical workshops related to the program to assist with modelling the Bounce Back skills?

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* 4. Have the Manly West fridge magnets  been useful for modelling the language of resilience?

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* 5. The next units are called 'Courage' and 'Looking on the Bright Side', which will be followed up with the units 'Emotions' and 'Relationships'. Please order the following areas in the order in which they are a priority for your family.

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* 6. Are there any other Wellbeing topics that would be of interest to your family?