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* 1. With regards to your children, how would you describe the typical birth order stereotypes?
    Firstborns are responsible, rule followers, high achievers, and possess a keen sense of right & wrong.
    Middle children are diplomatic, walk to a different drumbeat, competitive, loyal, big on friendships.
    Last born are entertainers, spontaneous, charmers, fun seekers, w/exceptional people skills.

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* 2. Do you have a child that acts like either you or your spouse?  (Check all that apply.)

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* 3. Do you find it easier to parent the child who...

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* 4. Research suggests that a parent usually influences the child of the opposite sex more than the child of the same sex.  In other words, the father has more influence on the daughters, and the mother has more influence on the sons.  Is this true in your family?

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* 5. Do the same behaviors that drive you crazy in your children also drive you crazy with adults?

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* 6. During a conflict or difference of opinion with a child, which of the following is MOST OFTEN the reason you bring in your spouse?

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* 7. If you are taking this survey, you have at least two children. (Some of you have more.) Can you relate a quick memory or story that describes the differences in their personalities/traits/behaviors?  It could be the first time you saw a difference among siblings, or an on-going family discussion about the differences you see.

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* 8. Based on your response in #7, which best describes your parenting: