Triton College TRIO SSS

Triton College Student Support Services Program is federally funded through the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Federal Trio Program.  Authority for this program is contained in Title IV, Part A, Subpart 2, Chapter 1, Section 402D of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.

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* 1. First and Last Name:

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* 2. Email address:

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* 3. Have you confirmed your graduation? (Completed Graduation Petition)

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* 4. WHAT TERM DID/WILL YOU GRADUATE FROM TRITON? Semester of degree completion (not participation in graduation ceremony)?

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* 5. What type of degree or certificate will you receive?

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* 6. Are you planning to transfer to a 4-year college or university?

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* 7. When will you transfer to a 4 year institution? Please select Term and specify year

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* 8. What are your plans after you leave Triton College?

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* 9. Current Employment Status:

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* 10. What institution are you planning to transfer to (or which institutions are you considering)?

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* 11. Do you feel your participation in TRIO SSS has benefited you during your Triton College experience?

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* 12. Please rate the following services provided by TRIO SSS

  Exceeded My Expectations Met My Expectations Below My Expectations Not Applicable
Quality of the TRIO SSS Program in regards to services offered, resources and outside referrals
Academic Assistance and mentorship
Professional assistance related to job hunting, resume editing, mock interviewing, etc
TRIO SSS staff members' knowledge and experience related to my degree or certificate
TRIO SSS staff members ability to understand me and relate to me.
Communication with me in regards to campus events, activities and TRIO SSS Workshops

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* 13. How likely are you to recommend the TRIO SSS Program to other students?

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* 14. What TRIO SSS services do you feel have benefited you the most? (Check all that apply.)

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* 15. What improvements or changes would you make to the TRIO SSS Program?

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* 16. Optional Testimonial: Please feel free to leave a comment about your experience with TRIO or How TRIO has helped you.