Budget Cut Guidance

Minneapolis Schools are facing significant budget cuts for next year, and it is possible that Sanford will have to cut back from a 7-period day and use a cheaper schedule.  Please answer the questions below to help guide us as we determine how much staffing we keep for each subject area, understanding that state and district mandates will inform our decisions as well as community and staff input.

Question Title

* 1. Please choose the subjects that you believe are the most important for your student’s middle school education overall, and tell us why in the comments section: (Choose up to 3)

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* 2. As your student moves toward adulthood and careers, which subject areas do you believe will best prepare them for professional success? (Choose up to 3)

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* 3. Which subject areas do you see as best meeting our mission of helping students become curious, collaborative, open-minded global citizens? (Choose up to 3)