Your views on the fundraising preference service

The review of self regulation has recommended the establishment of a 'fundraising preference service'

There are a lot of details to consider before it's taken forward, but you can read an outline of what NCVO have in mind here

We want to get your thoughts, comments, and feedback on the idea - your insight and expertise will help ensure that we can best represent your views in any discussions or proposals going forward.

The survey will remain open until Friday 16th October. Your response will be kept confidential and no information will be attributable to any individual or organisation.

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* 1. Are you responding to this survey as an individual member of the IoF, an organisational member, or a corporate supporter?

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* 2. It has been recommended that a 'fundraising preference service' should be established by a new regulator which would oblige charities to stop sending fundraising requests or making phone calls to individuals who register on it. It would mean the public could opt out of fundraising requests from multiple charities without needing to contact them separately.

Do you think such a fundraising preference service would be an effective way for individuals to manage the fundraising communications they receive?

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* 3. Do you think it would be an effective mechanism to protect 'vulnerable' individuals?

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* 4. Is an overall 'reset' button for communications the best way of managing an individual's preferences, or are there more effective ways of managing an individual's preferences?