Your answers can be as short (one sentence) or as long as you want them to be. Please note that we will just be sharing survey respondents'/patients' first names and the states or countries that they come from. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Your basic information

Question Title

* 2. Your contact information

Question Title

* 3. I agree to allow my responses below to appear on the LifeBridge Health/Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics web site/s, Facebook page/s, and other LifeBridge Health promotional materials (including but not limited to newsletters, brochures, social media and advertisements).

Question Title

* 4. What were your concerns before coming to the Rubin Institute to seek treatment?

Question Title

* 5. How has your life improved as a result of being treated at the Rubin Institute?

Question Title

* 6. How would you describe your doctor’s or another staff member's compassion, ability to listen to you, or ability to explain your condition/treatment options?

Question Title

* 7. If you were talking with someone who shared your same health condition and was considering treatment at the Rubin Institute, what would you want to tell them?

Question Title

* 8. Optional: Do you have anything else that you'd like to add?