2017 Client Experience Survey - Queen West CTCHC

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.  We want to know what you think about our programs and services and what we could do better. We want your honest opinions.

Please answer these questions based on your experience with our programs and services in the past year. Please include the following:
  • Appointments with staff
  • Groups, drop-in programs and workshops
  • Advisory groups
 Please note:
  • Your name does not appear on the survey
  • Your answers are kept confidential
  • Your specific answers will not be shared with staff
  • Your choice to participate in this survey will not affect the services you receive at Queen West – Central Toronto CHC
  • Survey questions marked with an asterisk (*) require an answer

If you have any questions or need help completing the survey, please speak to a Queen West - Central Toronto CHC staff member. Survey results will be made available in our waiting area and on the Queen West CTCHC website for all clients.
14% of survey complete.