Due to the pandemic, staff will be working remotely and unable to process mailings. If you need materials, please contact ipn@ipedsnursing.org about our digital options.

Thank you
for considering or promoting a rewarding career in pediatric nursing! We all know children aren't little adults. They need specialized nursing care during illness, and for optimal health.

Who can order these free posters and buttons?
Anyone who is interested in becoming a pediatric nurse or who wants to encourage others to consider a pediatric nursing career. Examples include, but aren't limited to:

- Nursing students and faculty
- Pediatric nurses and nurse practitioners
- Clinical educators and preceptors
- School nurses
- Scout leaders
- Influencers affiliated with middle and high schools such as counselors, vocational teachers, science teachers, and STEM/STEAM career program coordinators.

Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Mailings are currently limited to U.S. states and Canadian provinces. Posters are 12 x 18 inches, professionally printed in high resolution on thick paper stock.

The Campaign for Pediatric Nursing is made possible by the Institute of Pediatric Nursing (IPN), a committee of the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board.

For questions or help using this online form, please contact info@pncb.org.

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* 1. How many "I'm choosing pediatrics!" buttons would you like? These are 3-inch round buttons with a pin backing. Please limit your order to no more than 25. For larger orders, contact info@pncb.org.

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* 2. How many "Adult Med-Surg Myth" posters would you like? Please limit your order to no more than 5. For larger orders, contact info@pncb.org

The text reads: It’s an old myth...Some people say you should work adult med-surg before going into pediatrics. That’s just not true. If pediatrics is your calling, start there, because you can’t just shrink adult nursing knowledge down to kid-sized. You know children aren’t little adults. And you’ll be happier starting out where your heart belongs. Start your future today. Choose pediatric nursing.

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* 3. How many "You would be an amazing pediatric nurse!" posters would you like? Please enter a number by the poster style below. Please limit your order to no more than 5 per style in this section. For larger orders, contact info@pncb.org

The text reads: You would be an amazing pediatric nurse! I could tell as soon as you looked at me. You will make my future brighter. The work will be tough but rewarding. Families will thank you. Want to be inspired and challenged every day? Be my hero. Be a pediatric nurse.

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* 4. How many "More men in pediatric nursing" or LGBTQ posters would you like? Please enter a number by the poster style below. Please limit your order to no more than 5 per style in this section. For larger orders, contact info@pncb.org

The text on poster 1 reads: Man, we need to talk. Only about 10% of nurses are men, but 51% of us kids are male. We need more men in pediatric nursing. Don’t get us wrong — female nurses are awesome — but it would be great to get care from male nurses more often. Be that role model we can look up to who understands what it’s like to be a guy. Be there for us. Be a pediatric nurse.

The text on poster 2 reads: I’m waiting for you. When I’m sick, I don’t see a lot of men nurses. In fact, only about 10% of nurses are men. Us kids could use more male pediatric nurses. Don’t get me wrong: Anyone who becomes a pediatric nurse is a rock star to me. But I’d like to see more male nurses at my bedside. I hope we can jam together soon. Be a rock star. Be a pediatric nurse.

The text on poster 3 reads: I need a pediatric nurse in my corner. If you become a nurse in a school, primary care office, clinic, or hospital, I’ll be there too. You can be my advocate. You can provide nursing care that’s sensitive to what I’m going through. Risky behavior. Being bullied. Rocky times at home. And just being a normal teen. Ask me the tough questions when we talk and make a difference for my today... and my future. Be my lifeline. Be a pediatric nurse. 

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* 5. How many School Nurse posters would you like? Please enter a number by the poster style below. Please limit your order to no more than 5 per style in this section. For larger orders, contact info@pncb.org

The text on poster 1 reads: You will be an awesome school nurse. I can tell you like a challenge. Most kids will see school nurses more than any other type of nurse during their entire childhood. You’ll go beyond head lice, colds, and scraped knees to manage complex chronic needs and often be the first to assess mental health issues. You might be the only one who can help children get life-saving care, sometimes even outside of school.  In this public health career, you support a culture of health for a whole community. Be a child’s advocate. Be a school nurse

The text on poster 2 reads: You will be an awesome school nurse. Like a challenge? As a school nurse, you have a chance to help a whole community every day. You’ll make sure kids with complex health needs can stay in school. You’ll inspire all students to make healthy choices. Sometimes you might be the only one who can help kids get life-saving care outside of school. Want to help hundreds of kids and their families every year? Be a hero. Be a school nurse.

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* 6. I would best describe myself as a: