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Join us in raising awareness of substance misuse in our communities when you participate in Green-Up Day 2020 on May 30th!  All are welcome to help out! 

Help us collect information about the impact of substances in our region:
1. Keep a count of how many substance-related items you find (if you see needles, don't touch them, notify local police if you find any).
2. Fill out this survey.
3. Take pictures of what you find and email to Alison at

SAFETY FIRST! We recommend wearing gloves and that youth work with an adult. Please do not collect anything that could harm you and please take extra COVID-19 related precautions.

Find Your Local Info:
Green Up Health Tips:

Treatment and Recovery Resources:

For more information or if you want support in organizing in your area contact:
Alison Link, Healthy Lamoille Valley, Policy and Outreach Coordinator
(917) 626-0344

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* 1. Your Name (optional)

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* 2. Your Email Address (optional)

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* 4. Please list the streets, parks, and other geographic regions you've worked on during Green-Up Day

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* 5. Number of cigarette butts you found

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* 6. Number of nips (little alcohol bottles) you found

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* 7. Number of alcohol bottles you found

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* 8. Number of alcohol cans you found

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* 9. Number of needles you found and where (DO NOT PICK UP!  Please notify law enforcement for best method of disposal)

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* 10. Was there a specific area that had a high concentration of substance related items? Please share details.

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* 11. During other times in the year, are there locations in your area where you notice substance related items being dumped? Please share type, amount and location.

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* 12. Please share any other thoughts or questions you have with us.  Thank you!

Thank you for filling out our survey!
Together We Create a Healthy Lamoille Valley!
Treatment and Recovery Resources:

For more information about the results of this survey or Healthy Lamoille Valley contact: 
Alison Link,  Policy and Outreach Coordinator
(917) 626-0344