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* 1. Where is the establishment that owns the website most likely to be located?

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* 2. Do you think results on are more or less reliable than results on

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* 3. How likely would you to be trust a car insurance quote from based solely on the website address?

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* 4. What do you think might be on the website

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* 5. You are suffering from debilitating headaches and a colleague recommended that you check out Based solely on the URL (the website address), do you think the content would be as reliable as the information that might be on

Question Title

* 6. Of the two website addresses below, which one do you think is most likely to be the domain for a registered non-profit?

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* 7. Fosters is an Australian beer company. If you were trying to find their website, which web address do you think is most likely to be their homepage?

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* 8. If you found grammatical mistakes in an article written on about how to avoid exposure to Ebola, how likely are you to disregard the validity of the facts in the article?

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* 9. You have just received two conflicting emails about the quality of the water supply in your city, and you don’t know either sender. Based solely on the email address, which sender are you more likely to trust?

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* 10. Of the two links below, which do you think is more likely to offer the most reliable express shipping to your home?