Patient satisfaction survey

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* 1. Age Group

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* 2. How many times have you used the PCC within the last 12 months?

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* 3. On the most recent occasion, why did you contact the PCC? (may tick more than one)

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* 4. What method did you use to make your appointment?

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* 5. If you used the telephone booking system how long did you wait until your call was answered?

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* 6. Were you able to book your appointment with your preferred clinician? (doctor, nurse practitioner/nurse)?

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* 7. If you received a telephone consultation, were you satisfied with the response to your medical concern?

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* 8. How would you rate our telephone appointment service at the Primary Care Centre?

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* 9. How would you rate the overall care you received by the Primary Care Centre nursing staff?

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* 10. How would you rate the overall care you received by the Primary Care Centre General Practitioners?

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* 11. How would you rate the overall care you received by the Primary Care Centre administration staff?

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* 12. How would you rate the overall service provided by the Primary Care Centre

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* 13. How would you rate your follow-up care with regards to test results, i.e blood test, scans, X-rays etc?

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* 14. How would you rate your follow-up care with regard to nursing services i.e blood pressure, wound care, blood tests, diabetes, dermatology, sexual health etc)?

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* 15. How would you rate the repeat prescription service?

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* 16. How would you rate the health card registration service?

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* 17. How would you rate the doctor on call service?

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* 18. How would you rate the evening clinic service?

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* 19. What could we do differently that might have made your experience more positive?