City of Victorville/Town of Apple Valley Resident Survey

This survey is for the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) plan, a document required by both the City of Victorville and Town of Apple Valley by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status and disability.

The AFFH seeks to identify barriers to fair housing, defined by HUD as:

·         Any actions, omissions, or decisions taken because of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability that restrict housing choices or the availability of housing choices.

·         Any actions, omissions or decisions that have the effect of restricting housing choices or the availability of housing choices or the availability of housing choices on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability.

If you have encountered a barrier to renting or buying a home because of your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or disability, you may have experienced housing discrimination.

Examples of possible housing discrimination:

·         An agent refusing to sell, rent or show available housing.

·         A person only being shown housing in areas or neighborhoods of minority concentration.

·         A landlord providing different housing services, or enforcing different rules, for minority tenants.

·         A prospective tenant being told the dwelling is not appropriate for a family.

·         A dwelling has an available sign but prospective tenants are told it is not available.

·         The existence of planning and zoning regulations that limit the ability or choices of certain groups to secure decent housing.

·         A person being denied a loan, or getting a higher interest rate, because of being a member of a certain group.

·         A person being denied a loan or getting a different interest rate, because of buying a minority neighborhood.

This survey is being used to determine conditions present in your community.  Your input is greatly needed.  Thank you for your time.

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please call the Victorville, Economic Development Department at (760) 955-5032 or Apple Valley Housing Division at (760) 240-7000 x 7208.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate the ZIP Code of your residence (Por favor, indique el código postal de su residencia)

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* 2. Please indicate the ZIP Code of your place of employment (Por favor, indique el código postal de su lugar de empleo)

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* 3. Do you believe that housing discrimination is an issue where you live? (¿Cree usted que la discriminación en la vivienda es un problema donde vive?)

Question Title

* 4. Have you ever experienced housing discrimination? (¿Ha sido usted víctima de discriminación de vivienda?)  If yes, continue to # 5 and 6 (Si respondió con un “Sí” a la pregunta continúe al número 5 y 6.)

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* 5. Who do you believe discriminated against you? (¿Quién cree usted que cometió el acto de discriminación?)

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* 6. On what basis do you believe you were discriminated against? (Check all that apply) (¿Por qué cree que alguien discrimino contra usted. Marque todas las que se aplican a usted)

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* 7. How were you discriminated against? (If question does not apply to you put N/A) (¿Como ocurrió la discriminación? Si la pregunta no aplica ponga “No aplica”)

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* 8. Have you ever been denied (“reasonable accommodation”) in the rules, policies, or practices at your residence that you need because of disability (for example, permission to install grab bars, ramps, etc.)? (¿Alguna vez le negaron acomodación razonable, para acomodar su discapacidad, en las reglas, pólizas, o prácticas en su residencia, por ejemplo, permiso para instalar barras de apoyo, rampas, etcetera?)

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* 9. If you believe you have been discriminated against, have you reported the incident? (Si usted cree que alguien ha discriminado contra usted, ha reportado el incidente?)

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* 10. If you answered “No” to # 9—Why not? (Si su respuesta fue “No” a la pregunta número 9-¿Por qué no?)

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* 11. Are you aware of any hate crimes that have been committed in your neighborhood in the last five years? (A hate crime is a crime, including intimidation or harassment, against a person on their property motivated by hostility toward their real or perceived attributes.) (¿Es usted consciente de algún crimen de odio que hayan cometido en su vecindario en los últimos cinco años? (Un crimen de odio es un crimen motivado por hostilidad contra los atributos reales o percibidos contra una cierta persona, incluye intimidación o acoso, contra una persona en su propiedad.)

Question Title

* 12. If you answered “Yes” to # 11—What was the basis of the crime? (check all that apply) (Si su respuesta al número 11 fue “Sí”- ¿Cuál fue la base del crimen?- Marque todas las que se aplican)

Question Title

* 13. If you live in a named subdivision, rental property, apartment complex, mobile home park, etc. Please provide the name.  If you do not, put N/A. (Si usted vive un una subdivision, complejo de apartamentos, un parque de casas móvilies, o si alquila algún sitio nombrado por favor ponga el nombre. Si no vive en un area nombrada ponga “No aplica”.)

Question Title

* 14. Is the neighborhood you live in segregated (high concentration of persons of a particular race, color, religion, gender, familial status, national origin, or having a disability or a type of disability in a particular geographic area when compared to a border geographic area) or integrated (Not a higher concentration of a particular protected classes listed above)? (¿El vecindario donde vive es segregado? - Alta concentración de personas de una cierta raza, color, religión, género, estado familiar, origen nacional, o discapacidad que viven en una area geográfica particular comparado a una area geográfica más integrada.)

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* 15. If your neighborhood is segregated—Why do you think that it is? (Si su vecindario es segregado- ¿Por qué cree que lo es?)

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* 16. What do you see as current barriers or obstacles to fair housing choice, if any, within your community?  Check all that apply. (¿Cuáles cree que son las actuales barreras u obstáculos para la elección de vivienda justa, en su caso, dentro de su comunidad? Marque todo todas las que se aplican.)

Question Title

* 17. Do you feel your housing choices are limited to certain areas or neighborhoods in your community based on factors such as affordability, nearness to work, transportation options, or any other reason? (¿Siente que su elección vivienda se limitan a ciertas áreas o barrios en su comunidad sobre la base de factores como el precio, la cercanía a su trabajo, las opciones de transporte, o cualquier otra razón?)

Question Title

* 18. Do you think that affordable housing options are located throughout your community, or are they concentrated in certain areas/neighborhoods?  (¿Cree que las opciones de vivienda asequible se encuentran en toda su comunidad, o están concentrada en ciertas áreas/barrios?)

Question Title

* 19. Do you perceive certain areas or neighborhoods within your community to be undesirable? (¿Se percibe ciertas zonas o barrios dentro de su comunidad indeseables?)

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* 20. Do you feel that there is an adequate supply of affordable housing that is available to: (¿Siente que hay un suministro adecuado de vivienda asequible que está disponible para:)

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* 21. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (¿Cuál es el nivel de educación más alta que ha completado?)

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* 22. Are you employed? (¿Está usted empleado?)

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* 23. If you answered “Yes” to #22-What is your main form of transportation to work? (Si respondió con un “Sí” a la pregunta 22, ¿Cuál es su forma de transportación para llegar al trabajo la mayoría del tiempo?)

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* 24. Do you feel your mode of transportation limits your access to activities? (i.e. community events, educational advancement, alternative employment, etc.) (¿Siente que su modo de transporte limita su acceso a actividades? Es decir, eventos comunitarios, promoción educativa, de empleo alternativo, etc.)

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* 25. Are you familiar with housing related or social services provided by your community? (¿Está familiarizado con servicios relacionados de vivienda o servicios sociales en su comunidad)

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* 26. What information have you seen/heard regarding fair housing programs, laws, or enforcement within your community? (check all that apply) (¿Qué información ha visto/oído en relación con los programas de vivienda justa, leyes, o la ejecución dentro de su comunidad ? Marque todos los que aplican?)

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* 27. Do you own or rent your residence? (¿Es dueño o alquila su residencia?)

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* 28. What is your familial status? (¿Cuál es su situación familiar?)

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* 29. Are you Hispanic or Latino? (Es usted Hispano o Latino?)

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* 30. What is your race? (If you are multi-racial, please check all that apply) (¿Cuál es su raza? Si es usted multiracial, por favor marque todas las razas que se aplican a usted.)

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100% of survey complete.