1. about you and your workplace

8% of survey complete.

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* 1. This survey of the psychosocial factors in your workplace is being undertaken jointly by OCUFA and CAUT, in partnership with the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW). It is a unique opportunity to build on the momentum from OCUFA’s recent workshop, After Bill 168: Occupational Health and Safety in Academy.

Among the priorities identified by participants were improvements to agreements between Faculty Associations and employers, more consistency across policies and procedures, greater awareness amongst Faculty Association members of the range of conditions and behaviours that foster harassment and increase workplace stress, and especially better education and more proactive undertakings by employers to address issues of harassment before they become problems.

The survey is an essential first step in meeting those goals. It covers a range of related issues to provide customized reports for Faculty Associations, and which can be used to develop nuanced proposals to:

• enhance the safety and well-being of members;
• improve faculty complement and workload;
• improve the conditions of contract faculty.

The greater the response rate, the greater the force and credibility of the reports. And the greater the pressure for your employer to take responsibility. Once you have completed the survey, how about getting involved with your Faculty Association to spread the word to your colleagues?

CONSENT AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Your participation in this survey implies that you have consented to the use of your survey responses in group reports, academic research and publications. All reports or publications derived from the survey responses will be presented in format which ensures that the identity of any individual respondent is not revealed and is kept confidential.

I accept these conditions and consent to continue this survey:

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* 4. What department do you work in?

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* 5. How long have you worked here? (please enter the number of years - decimals accepted)

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* 6. What best describes your position at work? (check all that apply)

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* 7. What best describes your terms of work?

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* 8. Do you work for another employer in addition to your job at this workplace?

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* 9. What percentage of your job involves:

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* 10. On average, how many hours per week do you get paid for?

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* 11. On average, how many extra hours without pay do you work at this job per week (do not include hours which are exchanged for time off in lieu)?

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* 12. What percentage of your time would you spend on paper work if your paperwork was up to date?  ... by paperwork we mean: ”routine clerical or record-keeping work often incidental to a
more important task”