NHPC 2018 Community Survey

The Northwest Hills Prevention Connection mobilizes youth and community partners to reduce youth substance abuse and create a safe, healthy and drug-free environment where youth and families thrive.  Through this survey we will be able to better serve our youth and their families with local prevention programming. Your answers will also help us identify ways we can best support our parents and community.
This survey is completely anonymous and does NOT ask for information which could identify you. This survey only take a few minutes of your time. Thank You!

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* 1. What is your town of residence?

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* 2. Your gender:

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* 3. Your age:

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* 4. Had you heard of the Northwest Hills Prevention Connection (NHPC) prior to receiving this survey?

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* 5. How familiar are you with…

  Very familiar Somewhat familiar Unfamiliar
the work NHPC is involved with in the community?
the CT Social Host Law that makes it illegal for any adult to provide a place for teens to drink?
the available resources in the community that would support you in dealing with a substance abuse issue (for you, your child, another family member, or friend)?
the Prescription Drop Box located at the Winchester Police Department (available 24 hours/7 days a week)?
proper disposal methods (according to the CT Department of Consumer Protection) for unused or expired medications that are in your home?

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* 6. In the past year, have you disposed of unused or expired medications in any Prescription Medication Drop Box?

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* 7. How much do you think youth and young adults risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) if they…?

  No risk Slight risk Moderate risk Great risk
have five or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage once or twice a week?
smoke one or more packs of cigarettes per day?
smoke marijuana once or twice a week?
use prescription drugs that are not prescribed to them?
use vapes/electronic cigarettes/JUULs?

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* 8. Do you feel it is acceptable to...

  Yes No
 serve alcohol to underage youth if there is no chance of them driving (e.g. turn in the keys to their cars, take an Uber or Cab home, have a sober person drive them)?
allow marijuana use among youth if there is no chance of them driving (e.g. turn in the keys to their cars, take an Uber or Cab home, have a sober person drive them)?