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* 1. Let us know who you are. Given the nature of this training and this survery, we ask that you include your name.

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* 2. What was the most valuable part of Facilitator Training for you?

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* 3. Are there content areas where you feel you had substantial knowledge growth because of the training? (If so, which ones?)

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* 4. Are there skills in which you feel you had substantial improvement?

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* 5. Did you feel the length of the training was appropriate? (New facilitators: 32 hours, Returning facilitators: 27 hours)

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* 6. What aspect(s) of the training could use improvement?

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* 7. Given the limits of time, are there topics (content or skills) you would have like to have seen covered that were not?

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* 8. Given the limits of time, are there sessions you would omit in the future?

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* 9. Did you participate in the new facilitator event (Sunday - Monday morning)