We want your feedback! This survey is for OLDER GIRLS to complete and is anonymous.  What did you think of Twilight Camp 2017, Twilight in the North Woods? 

Question Title

* 1. What was your position at camp?

Question Title

* 2. What was you FAVORITE part about being an OLDER GIRL at Twilight Camp:

Question Title

* 3. What would you CHANGE about your OLDER GIRL EXPERIENCE at Twilight Camp?

Question Title

* 4. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the PRE-CAMP OLDER GIRL TRAINING?

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A
Check-in (4:00 pm; Signing In, Getting Ready)
Leadership Training (4:15 - 4:50 pm; this was the first class you took)
Camp Tour (5:00 - 7:00 pm; Site Visits, Activity Preview & Practice)
Unit Logistics (7:00 - 8:00 pm; Caddie Bins, Daily Task Review, Shirts, Unit Procedures)
Dinner (Subway)

Question Title

* 5. How satisfied were you with the following PROCESSES at camp?
(Please skip to Question 7 if you were not in a Unit)

  Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Satisfied
Older Girl Sign-In
Daily Announcements & Updates
Camper Drop-off and Sign In
Your Unit's Flag Ceremony
Your Unit's Song at Closing
Camper Pick-up and Sign Out
Older Girl Check-out

Question Title

* 6. Do you agree with the following statements about your ADULT UNIT GUIDE(S)?
(Please skip to Question 7 if you were not in a Unit)

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I felt free to express my point of view
I could ask for help without the Unit Guide(s) taking over
My Unit Guide(s) encouraged me to be a leader
My Unit Guide(s) was helpful to me and the campers
Overall I worked well with my Unit Guide(s)

Question Title

* 7. Do you agree with the following statements about your UNIT LEADERSHIP TEAM and your relationship with the CAMPERS in your Unit or your Activity?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
I spent equal time with each camper
I had a good relationship with my campers
I was able to explain camp activities clearly
I was able to control my own emotions
I used something I learned in training
I got along well with the other Caddies in my Unit
If we had a disagreement we were able to resolve it politely

Question Title

* 8. I enjoyed the following activities at TWILIGHT CAMP 2017

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
LAKES - Canoeing
LAKES - Rain Gutter Regatta
LAKES - Fishing
LAKES - Worms & Dirt Snack
MOUNTAINS - Knots & Lashings
MOUNTAINS - Paracord Bracelets
MOUNTAINS - K9 Search & Rescue
MOUNTAINS - Trail Mix Snack
WOODS - Camp Setup
WOODS - Log Rolling
WOODS - Fire Starting
WOODS - Edible Campfire Snack
PRAIRIES - First Aid
PRAIRIES - Pocket Knives
PRAIRIES - Campfire Tortilla Snack

Question Title

* 9. Do you agree with the following statements about your PROGRAMMING ACTIVITY (skip to Question 10 if you were a Unit Caddie)

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My programming activity was fun to deliver (I enjoyed it)
My programming activity was engaging for the campers (they enjoyed it)
I had everything I needed to successfuly deliver my programming activity
The amount of support/involvement from the adults was appropriate
The amount of support/involvement from the Unit Caddies was appropriate
The amount time allotted on the schedule for my activity was appropriate
I would like to be a programming caddie again at Twilight Camp 2017

Question Title

* 10. We want to know what you think! Do you have any other feedback, comments, or concerns, or recommendations to help us plan next year's Twilight Camp?  What are your ideas for a theme?

We’re holding an Older Girl Twilight Camp Wrap Party. Join us Thursday Aug 3rd for snacks, fellowship, and feedback. We’ll swap stories, review what went well at camp, what we could improve, and brainstorm ideas for next year. All Older Girls welcome!
WHO: Twilight Camp 2017 Unit and Programming Caddies
WHAT: Twilight in the North Woods Wrap Party
WHEN: Thursday, August 3rd, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
WHERE: Chaska Qdoba, 194 Pioneer Trail, Chaska, MN 55318 (Next to Culver’s)
WHY: Fun, Capture Learning, Ideas for 2018
COST: Free (we’ll buy chips/salsa/guac, anything else you’re on your own!)
RSVP: Email Nick at nickstillings@hotmail.com by Wed Aug 2nd