Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey about  Heart & Science, the publication for Nursing and Patient Care Services at BWH. We appreciate your input and hope to use your suggestions to improve the publication. 

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* 1. How do you read Heart & Science?

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* 2. How would your reading habits change if Heart & Science were only available online?  

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* 3. Please explain why one format (online vs. print) is more convenient for you:

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* 4. How much time do you spend reading each issue of Heart & Science?

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* 5. What kinds of stories would you like to see continued or added in  Heart & Science? Check all that apply:

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* 6. Which of the current features do you enjoy the most? Check all that apply: 

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* 7. Heart & Science covers a different theme each month. Please share your thoughts on the themes. Check all that apply:

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* 8. Please share why you selected the answer above:

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* 9. Please list a theme you find meaningful:

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* 10. What is your greatest benefit or takeaway from reading  Heart & Science?

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* 11. Please take a moment to share any additional comments, suggestions or ideas on improving  Heart & Science.

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* 12. What department do you work in and what is your position? 

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* 13. How long have you worked at BWH? 

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* 14. Aside from Heart & Science, how do you get your news about the hospital? Check all that apply: