Question Title

* 1. School / Pre-school Name

Question Title

* 2. School / Pre-school Address

Question Title

* 3. Staff Champion Contact Details

Question Title

* 4. School Principal / Pre-school Director Contact Details

Question Title

* 5. The Lunch Makers program targets years 3 - 6 but the whole School / Pre-School can participate! Please indicate whether you want to involve the whole school or a class/s and which ones and the number of students. (i.e. 'all year 2's, 70 students' or 'whole school, 200 students, K- 6', 'whole preschool 85 3-5 year olds').

Question Title

* 6. Number of students attending your School / Pre-school

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* 7. Number of families (approximately) at your School / Pre-school

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* 9. Would you like to host a FUN FREE Composting workshop at your School / Pre-school with FREE equipment to get you started?
*Please note we can provide a workshop to one class and/or a 'Train the Trainer' workshop to your staff/parents (after hours is fine).

Thank you for your interest in The Lunch Makers program at your School / Pre-school. We will be in touch soon!