Burn Out Self Test

This brief inventory is designed to help you discover warning signals of excessive stress. Relate the questions to your life over the last 3 -6 months. Look particularly for  c h a n g e s  in your ways of coping, not so much your normal behaviour.

There are 10 multiple choice questions:

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* 1. Are you feeling constantly exhausted, tired and fatigued?

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* 2. Are you becoming increasingly irritable with a shortening fuse?

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* 3. Are you having less and less time for people, even family and friends?

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* 4. Are you experiencing increasing difficulty making decisions?

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* 5. Are you aware of increasing difficulty in concentration?

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* 6. Are you feeling a sense of hopelessness, like "Why bother? " or "Who cares anyway ?"?

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* 7. Are you experiencing chronic forgetfulness?

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* 8. Are you starting the day or waking up feeling unrefreshed?

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* 9. Do you experience frequent feelings of worthlessness?

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* 10. Enter Your Email Address For Test Results